I want to have control on the APIs I pay for

Customer said: “We consume an external API with a per-use charge, and many of our internal applications use it. Since the API serves sensitive personal information, we don’t want to give username/password to all developers, and we want to be able to see who accesses which information.”

Problem: There was a few problems with this case. First, each and every client application within the company used to copy the access information of the external API within their code. This was a serious problem in terms of security and management. Second, company was unable to detect any malicious usages of the information provided by the API.

What Apinizer Team did: Our team created a proxy on Apinizer API Gateway to be client to the external API, and configured an Authentication Provider for the users within the company to be clients of this proxy.

One of the internal applications selected to be pilot, and its code was updated to access to the proxy instead of the external API. The proxy itself was secured by an Authentication Provider configured on Apinizer, and an identical specific identity was created for the pilot application to be used on this proxy.

Additionally, a Redaction policy was applied for this identity on the response of the API, so that some irrelevant parts of the information in the response message returned by the API could be filtered before being returned to the application.

Finally, a Report was created on Apinizer Report Designer to filter all access logs to the external API in order to see who accessed which information, and when. The priviledge to see the report was given to an authorized user in the company.

Result: After centrally handling the security and privacy of all the traffic to and from the external API easily without coding, the company became an Apinizer customer.